Home Software – Blueprint

Software – Blueprint

Any software planning effort ideally aims to analyse the business requirements and translate them into specifications that will support the development process as efficiently as possible.

If you don’t know where you’re going, it’s hard to get there and impossible to know when you’ve arrived. Often, planning efforts go further by fanning out and mapping everything, hoping that the end result will contain a route to the final destination. They create results ad hoc while they are at it. The functional specification ends up being a seemingly random maze designed to baffle and confuse developers. This problem is inevitable when you do not have a clear planning objective from the start.

Codipack Software blueprint

For your label and coding software project, Codipack offers you the services of experienced in-house Blueprint specialists.

Our plan of approach concerning the Blueprint consists of the Blueprint meeting which results in the Blueprint report.

The Blueprint meeting is a meeting with all parties involved (customer users, customer IT, ERP/WMS provider, Codipack) to start designing a Blueprint document of the solution.
The Blueprint document starts with a description of the current label printing situation; the desired future situation and an exact step-by-step plan of how we will go from the original to the final situation.

The Blueprint will describe the exact printing process, with a detailed timeframe and project plan. You will get an exact overview of the number of man-days required to implement the desired solution.

The Blueprint will be approved and signed off by all parties involved before the installation of the project can begin.

Good agreements make for satisfied end users.

Would you like to make an appointment for further information about software blueprint? 

Contact us at info@codipack.com

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