Home References Plant passport on plastic pots

Plant passport on plastic pots

Plantenpotten worden gecodeerd, door een inkjet van Codipack, met een plantenpaspoort

Wouters Nursery is one of the largest producers of annual pot and bedding plants, with as many as 40 hectares under glass.

Since 2019, new legislation requires each nursery to have a plant passport. This is how Codipack came into contact with Frido Wouters and planned an on-site demo of a Leibinger inkjet system.

Since then, Wouters Nursery has been using the Leibinger Jet3Up Pro. This inkjet system is ideally suited for the application of a plant passport under greenhouse conditions.

Codipack has a good system with Leibinger and the Codipack organisation as a total supplier inspires confidence among its customers. Other applications in the plant sector were also discussed with nursery Wouters.

There are also methods other than inkjet. You can read about the different ways of applying a plant passport here.

Do you want to know what Codipack can do for your horticultural company – small or large? Contact us.

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