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Sheltered workshop employees send boxes

As a sheltered workshop, Mirto recently chose the solutions of Codipack Group, namely the compact and light hand scanner of the brand Datalogic.
The HandScanner from Datalogic is the lightest and the smallest portable scanner on the market. It is designed for use in transportation and logistics, retail, manufacturing and healthcare.
It is easy to work hands-free when picking items and fast data collection is possible, which significantly increases productivity.

Read the full story of Mirto here:

handscanner Codipack

Pharmacar, a producer of medical aids and first aid material, composes tailor-made first aid boxes for companies via an online platform. The tailors of custom company Mirto assemble the first aid boxes and send them to the clients of Pharmacar.


Custom company Mirto employs 350 people with a distance to the regular labour market. The company specialises in printing and mailing (Print & Post), packaging (Pak Lab) and green maintenance (Green Team). Project designer Johan Strumane of Mirto: “Our focus in the mail department is more and more on e-commerce and sending parcels. Pharmacar was already a customer of Mirto and asked us if we could help them put together and send their ModulAid bandage boxes.”


CEO Axel Dejonghe of Pharmacar: “With ModulAid we put together dressing kits tailored to the risks of companies. One module contains a fully equipped set for one type of treatment, for example a cut, a light burn or an eye wash. Prevention advisers can quickly order additional modules and receive automatic notifications of expired products with our smart online platform and the QR codes on the boxes. It is a unique system in Europe and has been patented in the Benelux.”
“Mirto was already putting together our safety kits for cars. But they could only assemble and ship 50 to 100 boxes in one run, and could not customise boxes. But after our request, Mirto immediately started to think along with us about how they could optimise their process.”


“That was not self-evident, because it is not easy to get customizers to go along with that story,” Johan Strumane of Mirto picks up on that. “But we also saw that the demand for on-call shipment and direct orders from end customers was constantly increasing. And our supervisors had to do almost more administration than our people. That is why we started to automate. We bought a simple scanner from Codipack and started to build a new application ourselves with an interface fully tailored to our customisers.”


“Our ModulAid platform and Mirto’s platform are now linked,” Axel Dejonghe continues. “Mirto immediately receives the order to compose our orders. The programme they wrote together with an IT company makes sure everything works. Each box gets a label with its own QR code and is sent to the right address. Our customers also receive a track-and-trace link so they can follow the delivery of their order. In addition, each bag is scanned. So we know exactly which lot numbers are in which first aid kits and which customer they are going to. And our customers know exactly which and how many items are in their boxes. So they immediately have watertight proof for the labour inspectorate.”


Of the funding that Mirto received through the ‘Social Enterprise – Innovation’ call, a great deal went into the development of the application. The customisation company also organised workshops in which 10 employees from the Pak Lab packaging department and some supervisors tested and checked every step and every screen of the application. Johan Strumane: “That was invaluable, because it brought out the errors. We also immediately saw whether that part of the process was clear to our customisers. This is necessary, because orders and supplementary orders for single modules or items get mixed up and our people have to go to the right location, take the right item and put it in the box. By involving them in the project, they now know the system inside out.”


“You can see that our customisers are now more motivated and that their involvement is enormous. Thanks to the automation, they hardly make any mistakes anymore. This has also increased their self-confidence. During an interview for our ISO 9001 audit, they literally said that they felt good about the fact that the scanner and the application meant that they hardly made any mistakes.”

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