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How do I code wood?

Wood is perhaps the most useful and versatile material on earth. It is relatively cheap, warm, beautiful, very strong and environmentally friendly. Once felled, dried and cut into the desired shape, it can be transported all over the world for all kinds of purposes! Just a few sectors are: household goods, engineering, construction, transport and paper. In almost every sector the wood has to be coded, but then the main question remains: “What is the best way to do this?”

Wood specifications

There are more than thousands of tree species, and therefore also more than thousands of types of wood. The main characteristics are determined by the tree species, growing location and even growing condition. The most important characteristic for coding purposes is the hardness.


Wood coding

Nowadays, it is essential to include coding with a laser in production. There are many different types of lasers, with wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum (CO2 & fibre) or shorter wavelengths (UV & diode). For wood coding, we have CO2 lasers, which are excellent for melting plastic, burning away paint or ink, or darkening a surface such as wood. The desired intensity and contrast of the marking can be determined by the power of the laser. For coding applications, Codipack proposes the SPA line (Scalable Product Architecture), a laser marking system with a power range between 10 and 100 watts that can be used to laser surfaces from 40×40 mm to 500×500 mm.

Laser on wood

We also have other solutions available. Depending on the required application and wood type, Codipack will advise you the right laser!

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