Home Blog System for labelling your beer bottle as a starting brewer

System for labelling your beer bottle as a starting brewer

You’ve got the taste for it and now you’re brewing your own beer.

As a starting brewer, you don’t have the means yet, but you do want to automate a few things. Because the first bottles are labelled by hand, you know that this is a very time-consuming job.

Codipack has the ALtech ALmatic in its range. This system makes it possible to apply semi-automatic self-adhesive labels on cylindrical products.

Full automation would involve a certain financial risk. With this machine, you build a safe intermediate step as a starting brewer.

With this semi-automatic labelling system, you manually place the beer bottle in the labelling position and then activate the system via the control lever. ALmatic will then issue and apply the label. The ALtech ALmatic is suitable for labelling beer bottles.

The advantages of the ALtech ALmatic at a glance

  • Semi-automatic labelling of cylindrical products
  • Easy to use
  • Accurate positioning of label
  • Small batches are processed quickly

Do you want more information about labelling with ALtech ALmatic? Then get in touch with us. We will be happy to help.

Your hobby has developed and you would like to label fully automatically? Also for that Codipack has the right solution.

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